Letter to Minister Mahuta sent in March 2022 requesting return of local democracy to Tauranga City.


19 March 2022

Hon. Nanaia Mahuta
Parliament Office
Private Bag 18 888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160

Subject: Tauranga City Council

 Dear Minister  

I am writing to you on behalf of the Papamoa Residents and Ratepayers Association (PRRA).  

This letter is to ask for the reinstatement of Local Democracy to Tauranga City in time for the next local body election cycle in October 2022. 

Local Democracy is the core of New Zealand politics and wellbeing and to remove it as has been done has disenfranchised the population of Tauranga from having any input into major future decisions for Tauranga. 

The government appointed commissioners look on the surface to be doing the business as per your instructions, but they are not consulting with the ratepayers on any decision.  They are listening, but they are not hearing.  It is easy to spend funds on future projects without any consideration on the cost of funding the debt incurred except to increase rates. 

There is a limit to the rate increases that an average ratepayer can pay and this has been reached already. 

Ratepayers need to be involved in the decision on the restoration of local democracy, not sidelined as you are doing at present. Hearsay is saying that the developer elite of Tauranga is affecting and guiding your decisions.   

The circumstances which caused you decision to suspend local democracy in Tauranga are unproven.  To go forward, the views of the ratepayers must be heard and respected.

 Your decision has not yet been set in concrete.  On behalf of the 1000s of ratepayers and residents, PRRA implores you to reconsider your decision.  Schedule elections for October 2022.  Appoint a Crown Manager by all means, we would support that.  But do not extend the term of the commissioners. 


Philip Brown  

Chair Papamoa Residents & Ratepayers Association.  E:  chairprra@gmail.com


From PRRA Newsletter March 2022

Our local democracy future is being decided now in Wellington and again the ratepayers are not being asked for their views. Restoration of Local Democracy to Tauranga City .

The replacement of democratically elected councillors and mayor with four government appointed commissioners was expected to end this year in time for the regular local government election cycle. However there has been plenty happening behind the scenes to delay this and when elections are finally called, to have in place a ”Crown Manager” who will guide and can overrule any councillors decision.

What’s been happening

1. The commissioners wrote to the Local Government Minister in December saying they were doing a marvellous job and should have their term extended by one year as this would allow all their expensive schemes to be locked in and not possible to reverse. See Reading 1 below.

2. The other main thrust appears from the Tauranga developer elite who, we have been told, have been meeting regularly Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta and telling her the commissioners are doing a wonderful job, should have their term extended, and this is just what Tauranga needs to grow quickly and larger. Of course paid for by your ever rising rates.

To read the full document click here..