RE Wairakei Stormwater Plan Survey Feedback Questionnaire

There has been a large amount of plantings and new footpaths made in the Stormwater Waterways area in the last six months. This is all part of the Wairakei  Landscape Plan Project.

Many residents adjacent to the waterways are concerned with the extensive level of planting and/or the suitability of the plants in the area north of Palm Beach Blvd and between Palm Beach Boulevard and Gravatt Rd. For years, a clean grassed outlook to the waterways has been admired and enjoyed, this is the subdivision that the residents bought into.

The Papamoa Residents and Ratepayers Association has formed a committee for the Stormwater Reserve to represent the views of local residents to the TCC.  To do this we would like your input in the following survey about the Waterways.

Papamoa Residents & Ratepayers Association Public Feedback Form.  We ask you to select your top three concerns about our local area from the list below and submit.  Your reply will help to determine our dialogue with Tauranga City Council.  This survey is open to all residents of Papamoa -- membership of PRRA is not required to complete the form.

Kind Regards, 

To read comments and see survey results to date (13 August 2018)   click here